Naglaa Mesbah
Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait
Title: Dasman Diabetes Motivational Interview Program (DDMI)
Biography: Naglaa Mesbah
Kuwait is among the top 10 countries with the highest prevalence of diabetes worldwide. 1 Diabetes is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. 2 Given the growing prevalence of diabetes worldwide; controlling modifiable risk factors for diabetes is necessary to prevent complications and disease progression. 2 Diabetes management programs recommend constant life-style changes. 3 Promoting lifestyle changes necessitate a shift in patient management from straight forward recommendation to counseling-based approach. 4-5 Aim: Study aims to address the impact of applying MI during the educational sessions on people with diabetes to change their behaviors in order to enhance their diabetes self management, achieve better glycaemic control, prevent diabetes complication and improve their quality of life. Objectives: (i)To determine whether adding motivational interviewing to diabetes self-management education (DSME) program improves positive behavior changes, improve glycemic control, increase diabetes self-care and increase self efficacy for people with diabetes. (ii)To develop additional skills for helping patients to explore and resolve their ambivalence about health behavior change. Methods: Ten female patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes selected to participate into three sessions of motivational interview (MI) and telecare-support in between the MI sessions, the intervention was based on motivational interviewing using of different interviewing strategies and techniques, based on each person's readiness stage to change. Intervention planned according to information gathered from validated ‘Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire’ and ‘Pre-Self Care Inventory survey to address the main patients’ concerns. The patients were assessed for any improvement regarding the diabetes self management by using ‘Follow-up Assessment Form’ every follow-up visit. At the end of MI sessions, post assessment was done by using ‘Diabetes Self-Care Confidence Scale’ and ‘Post-Self Care Inventory survey’. Questionnaires used were valid and reliable, adopted and edited with the permission of Joslin Diabetes Center. Results: A statistically significant improvement in glycemic control was demonstrated (p= 0.002) as assessed from glucose-meters downloads. Behavioural changes outcomes were also statistically significant (p= 0.0003) as assessed by questionnaire. Conclusion: Based on our initials findings, the effect of MI on improving the positive behavior changes and glycemic control of females with type 2 diabetes seem to be promising.